by admin | Nov 21, 2018 | news
In response to customer requests, we carry out in-house trials to check the ‘pumpability’ of different products. When a customer in the far east was looking for a laboratory sized screw feeder, we designed and manufactured a suitable trial system to prove...
by admin | Oct 2, 2018 | news
Pump butter straight into mixer In this short clip, we demonstrate how to pump shortening and then butter blocks directly into a mixer. We can handle butter and other fats from a minimum of around 3°C so you can pump straight from the chiller (no more tempering...
by admin | Jun 1, 2018 | news
BestPump exported their latest BlockBuster twin auger pump feeder system to North Carolina, USA this week. Designed to handle a maximum flow rate of 140 kg per minute, this was a unit that required a 4 inch rectangular inlet circumferential piston pump and was...